Baby Krishna
Baby Krishna
This spray is attuned to the frequency of Krishna. When you use this spray, it brings Krishna to be with you. He is sometimes known to heal.
You can spray this spray with the Violet Flame spray to clear the energy of past situation in your life that have caused a distressed response like trauma.
When you spray it, envision Baby Krishna at the time of the situation or thing you want to heal. He may change in age if that is appropriate. No worries if you cannot see him in your mind’s eye.
He will automatically go back in time to sit with you and to help heal any situations that were tough for you to deal with. You can think about a specific situation or you can ask him to help heal any situation in your past. It helps if you recognize a pattern ro a result that you would like to have and he will go heal the past situations that might be influencing what you are dealing with now.
You can also ask him to sit with the people involved with your past situations. He or God will determine if it is appropriate to bring them healing as well, it cant be forced.
If you wish to add to the healing, you can sing mantra or decrees to increase your involvement in the healing. Those energies are already in the spray as well.
You do not have to go back through the trauma itself or relive it. That is not needed in order to heal.
You will know that you have healed because you will look at the situation with less and less emotional charge until you can see it neutrally. You will also know you have healed because will not experience the side effects of that situation or karma.
He also helps with protecting your purpose. He also steps in when anyone who attempts to interfere with your life purpose or destiny. When he steps in, it is serious business for those who offend.
A little known fact is that Krishna also helps with the twin flame nations India and America who are united to fulfill their joint destinies on the planet for the Golden Age. Krishna protected one of the incarnated chosen ones in using their healing abilities that helped protect the destiny of the two countries in June 2024 when Russia was inlfuenced unbeknowst to the public to attempt to interrupt the destinies of the twin flame countries of India and USA. That kind of influence has since been healed and Russia is offering peace treaties to the Ukraine as proof of the infleunce ending in those countries.
Directions: Spray around you or just hold it before you have the healing. You do not have to meditate or sit with your situaiton. You can mantra if you wish or spray it and just see yourself ehaled.
Unscented is available upon request.
Ingredients: Rose and Lavender Floral Water and the Rays of Light
Please do not take these sprays or their contents into your physical body.
Bottles are made of glass and are 30ml (1 fl oz) $44 each.
If you are outside of the US, please inquire about shipping rates before ordering or an invoice will be sent to you for the cost of shipping. First class/priority shipping and tracking provided.
FUN FACT: This was one of the 3 essences ever created by Theresa. It was originally unscented and vor-mag water based. Joy represents the Yellow Ray, the second of 3 Rays of Light that all beings that incarnate on the planet have within the sacred chamber of their heart called the 3 Fold Flame of the Heart.