Serapis Bey

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Serapis Bey


Serapis Bey is an Ascended Master and a chohan of the White Ray of Light, governing peace, beauty, ascension, and spiritual discipline.

Serapis Bey will help provide you with the inspiration, motivation, and discipline needed to take action on your new beginning. He comes to be with you when the essence is sprayed, and provides extra energy for you to "just do it" in terms of starting a new beginning. He also will assist with filling your aura with the White Light of the Ray he is chohan of and aid in your ascension process. He has a gentle way of lighting a fire underneath you and reminding you of your promises to yourself. If you are looking for assistance in gaining discipline in your spiritual practice, you will like this essence.

Pairs well with the Mother Kali Ma essence, but that one is far less gentle. Kali Ma is compassionate, but not always gentle due to the rapid changes it can create lol.

Those who have purchased the Serapis Bey essence before like to call this the just do it essence.

Directions: Spray anywhere that you wish to experience the qualities mentioned above like your heart and around your head, in your auric field (around your body), in your car, workspace, or around a room. Great for before meditation.

This essence is scented and the bottle is made of glass.

Ingredients: Ylang-ylang & Rose Hydrosol, and the Rays of Light.

Please do not take these sprays or their contents into your physical body.

Bottles are made of glass and are 30ml (1 fl oz) $44 each.

If you are outside of the US, please inquire about shipping rates before ordering or an invoice will be sent to you for the cost of shipping. First class/priority shipping and tracking provided.

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The feedback of those who use these sprays include feeling uplifted, having extraordinary experiences in meditations, began seeing and hearing Angels, and miracles increase in their lives. Everyone's experience is different and often depends on your sensitivities. However, no specific sensitivity or gift is required to experience the benefits of the sprays.

Testimony from Katie (USA):

Theresa has been such a gift in my life.  Her Sprays of Light have been life changing.  When I use each spray, chosen by which one I am guided to for each day, I feel an immediate peace and presence of guidance.  If I'm feeling turmoil, I will use my personal spray and I feel peace as the spray settles on my skin. I feel so grateful to have such an easy tool available to guide and shift my energy and to feel the presence of the angels who are guiding my life.