If you are here for genuine human connection, you have arrived at the right place. Theresa is here to help you connect to the Light that you are. Her guidance is here for those ready to take personal responsibility for what they create in the world. If you are a thought leader or want to take your personal growth to another level, you are in the right place. If you like to challenge truth or cannot discern truth when you hear it, this is not the place for you. This is not for beginners, but if you are kind hearted and a genuine light worker, you’re in the right place.
Theresa is Native American and comes from a lineage of medicine people/healers that goes back 700 generations on one side and 500 generations on the other. Each born into the lineage has their gifts from birth. Her family is known for healing world problems. If you get to know her, she might share with those worthy, some of the world issues that have been resolved through her lienage. You have heard of some of the organizations that are around still today.
Theresa is a messenger of God that includes the Councils of Light and the Great White Brotherhood (Angels and Ascended Masters known as saints in my Christian communtiy.) Theresa is the creator of products for the Ascension, she is a Truth Teller, a Lightworker, an Intuitive Guide and Teacher of the Rays of Light. She resides in Hawaii. On her small island located in the middle of the Pacific all of the Rays of Light (Source energy) and souls enter and depart the planet. Each of the Rays of Consciousness and EnLIGHTenment she works with are pure Source Energy connecting to God/Great Spirit. She is an ordained Christian minister.
Theresa the original creator of monthly Energy Updates on Youtube (now found on Patreon), that help you understand what Rays of Light are entering the planet and the cosmic events that opportunities for humanity to shift. Her intention in providing these updates is to make it easier to understand what is happening and shifting in your life so you can better navigate it. Theresa didn't learn what she knows through books, and helps you to remember and awaken your own inner gifts in her sessions. This work is for the spiritually advanced who love God.
Theresa can hear the prayers and needs of people across the planet and helps bring God’s assistance and healing daily to the planet during her World Healing prayer sessions. This is esepcially true for those who are believers in God and followers of Christ.
What Theresa offers, resonate with progressive individuals interested in raising their frequency and embodying their higher selves (Ascension). Theresa guides you from a place of Spiritual Truth towards the fulfillment of your own Divine Potential. She is a leader and protector of others, which entails the wisdom of justice and mercy. She has the intuitive ability to recognize Truth of Spirit and helps others hear the way a shaman hears, with the soul. Those interested in learning the details of the wisdom of the Rays of Light are carefully screened because this knowledge has a history of abuse for the purpose of human mis-creation. The planet is headed into a new direction and time is up for mishandling of power and knowledge.
If you're curious and like storytelling, Theresa loves to share the original creation stories including how the universe and humanity were formed, events that impacted different civilizations here and all from personal memory. She also loves to share about stories of personal exchanges with the Angels and Ascended Masters, what their personalities are like, and how they like to make you laugh (they love puns and irony.) This history she shares has bearing on what is happening today on the planet and how the Beings of Light are here supporting humanity through this Big Shift and Time of Remembering.
Also, make no mistake…just because she works with Angels, it does not mean she puts up with BS. She has been an investigative psychic for multiple agencies. Please refer to the testimonials/praise page for references about her work.
If you have any questions about how her can support you, business inquiries, or collaborations. please email us and we will respond to you via email within 1-2 business days.
Lots of Love,
The Theresa Monro Team