30 Days of Light

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30 Days of Light

Sale Price:$333.00 Original Price:$500.00

30 Days of Light is a distance light therapy service that you receive daily for 30 days. The Rays of Light of Source are sent to you to aid i all aspects of your life. As the Light enters your energy field, your Soul and physical body apply the Light for self-healing. These sacred Rays of Light help keep your energy clear of other’s energies, provides spiritual cleansing, strengthens your connection to Source, as well as align and strengthen the Hara Line.

This service is also known to increase your intuitive abilities. Spiritual protection is included and many report that they are released with ease from any addictions. Some think that upon signing up that they won't face troubles, but that is not exactly the case. It doesn't stop all lessons from happening, but can end negative karma that you are ready to transcend, and help bring about positive outcomes while supporting you energetically.

It is known to make astrological times easier to process.

If you are an Intuitive or professional of the Healing Arts, this service will support you so you can better perform in your work. Great also for sensitives and those who would like to upgrade their frequency with ease and free fo any pain.

This service is also wonderful support for BUSINESSES and their employees, for clearing the energy of land. The positive results of including this with an energy clearing often results in higher production because employees are happier. Known to attract ideal clients and keeps the energy of the workspace high in vibration.

Those who have signed up for 30 Days of Light have reported easing or ending of wounds of the heart, wounds of the soul, and realignment of their Divine Blueprint. If you are willing to receive this Light, you are likely to feel loved, supported, and cared for during this time. The Angels will be with you throughout the 30 days.

Any healing that occurs, happens between your human self (personality), Source, and your IAM Presence. Theresa (Light Language for Bringer of the Rays of Light) is your ascension guide for the Rays of Light, but does not heal you. If you are one to latch onto the energy of another, this service is not for you.

30 Days of Light provides you with the Light of the Heart of God continuously for 30 Days. It comes directly from Source, through your own personal connection to God. It automatically is applied anywhere that you need assistance, known or unknown. You can choose the intention for where it goes anytime in your day as well through prayer and intention. Theresa does not need to know what these areas are. This Light can be directed to multiple areas in your life all at once. The Light arriving to you is not sent through Theresa, so it is free of her energy signature. Because of this, your connection to Source is strengthened and is more clear. Theresa provides classes on how to align your Hara Line daily if you are interested.

There is no limit emotionally, mentally, physically or energetically for how this Source energy can assist you in your life. You can decide to have the Rays of Light visit any area that it is needed or where you would most benefit. Source will hear you. You can also choose to feel joy, more uplifted, to know what support and love feel like especially during life events. To be more abundant, or to attract a Life Partner. This puts the power of healing in YOUR hands. Theresa does not need to know your intention or areas you wish to have shift.

This Light will clear, balance, and align your chakras. Sometimes the Beings of Light will leave gifts of Light with you to be activated at other times, like certain astrological events in the future to aid with ease of integration during that time. (The Angels really are looking out for you.)

It is helpful to stay hydrated during the 30 days. For some, the body sometimes lightly detoxes. Water from a pristine source helps release anything from the system on an energetic and physical level that is ready to leave. We offer Healing Water Infusions if you are interested in those.

Your internal reality will shift in wonderful ways during the 30 days and it is a very supportive service during times of life events and during planetary shifts which are happening quite a lot now through the next 5-10 years. If you work with clients that are intense or want your energy clear after providing healing all day, this will keep you clear. Is it Mercury retrograde or eclipse time? This is a supportive service for that kind of intensity as well. Also, remember your self soothing and self centering techniques. We offer Mentorship sessions for healers and intuitives if you need help with your business practices or to better your skills. if you need suggestions, contact us.

Your external reality will reflect your internal reality as well. Relationships usually improve, as does self esteem, and increased peace. Many report healthier eating habits. Any area of suffering can be addressed during this time and happens more quickly when you focus on what you want to attract rather than what you want to release. A very common benefit of the 30 Days of Light is that many stop craving things like processed foods, sugar (except fruit), caffeine, alcohol and more. Many report zero withdraw symptoms and a natural tendency to eat more healthy foods and clean water. They perhaps forgot they intended at some point to eat healthier, and Archangel Raphael of the 5th Ray of Light is helping with this for those who have wished to be more healthy in the past. If you asked to become more intuitive, he will help you stop eating foods that cause anxiety, stress, or blocks to intuition. He will do it so the experience in the body is easy.

Some speak of increased awareness of Angels and Ascended Masters. after their first 30 Days of Light These Beings of Light do come assist you during the month and some see the colors of the Rays of Light in meditation or as pops of color and flashes of light. This is them coming to your side. 

If you are an empath and want to know what it feels like to have relief from the energy of others you might be picking up on or to release what is not yours, this will help you. Also check out the Empath’s Empowerment essence.

The Light will reach you anywhere in the world that you are located.

The Light begins arriving the moment you order. Theresa does not need a personal email from you that you ordered. Our team is already aware.

If you wish a more extensive space clearing, those are available for purchase.

It is a pleasure to be of service to you. Please feel free to share with any of your friends who might benefit. It is super practical and easy to receive this Light. There are also classes to learn how to do this yourself, if it so aligns for everyone involved.

Feel free to sign up for as many months as you would like at one time. Many sign up for an entire year's worth of Light transmissions and prayers.

If you need something to supplement this service, check out the healing sprays. They are great for clearing space and for bringing the Rays of Light into your life in a tangible way.

Please note: The Light transmissions do not include a consultation with Theresa or feedback from her about your Rays of Light transmissions. She works with you energetically, not “in person.”

If you need to discuss packages or want to know more about what the Rays of Light are, contact Theresa and our team.

If you would like to purchase 24 Hours of Light, CLICK HERE.

*Image source: Pinterest.

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Client Testimony:

"The first day of receiving the Rays of Light,  I laid down and easily slipped into a meditative state. I could feel a gentle flowering in my heart chakra, which I didn't expect since I always expect heart chakra openings to hurt. This didn't hurt at all, it almost felt like I was floating on water and my chest was one of those lotus flowers and someone was gently opening the leaves. I got into the state between sleep and awake and felt a sweet presence around me. The flowering continued and gently expanded throughout my body. Soon after that I fell asleep. Each night after, I would meditate and then almost immediately fall asleep. I did dream, but I only remember one... where I was a mermaid who was saving humans." - Lauren (USA)

"Thank you, Theresa! So appreciate your support this month. I do feel calmer. Also, with regard to abundance, I find myself celebrating the little shifts and flows, no matter how small. I feel certain this will support me as I move forward on my journey." - Dawn (USA)

"The biggest things I've noticed with the 30 Days of Light would be the eating and drinking differently..I haven't had any cravings for soda or even sugar and for me that's a huge deal. I also can't seem to get enough water. I haven't had the urge to drink any alcohol either, which used to be a part of my weekend dinners with friends etc. Thanks for everything!" -Natalie (USA)

"Signing up for the 30 Days of Light was one of the best and most wonderful decision I've made. I had been struggling with being able to just feel and be in my own energy and as such was having trouble sleeping, feeling centered, and keeping my heart open. Throughout the 30 days, Theresa had helped me with all of that. My heart is open to love again, I sleep like a baby, and I wake up feeling so much peace and can go through the day enjoying my own energy. Thank you, Theresa!" -Jackie (USA)

All I can say is WOWWW.... amazing experience this 30 Days of Light service. My psychic abilities came rushing back in full force; everything was crystal clear. I knew what Theresa's and Doreen Virtue’s cards were going to be, something like 12 hours before they were published. My dreams have been mostly super clear messages, from questions about my twin to what has been causing this weird acne the past 6 months or so. I would like to do it on a regular basis. Thank you for all you do! - Laura (Israel)