One morning the energy felt really heavy when I woke up and I knew to use your Love spray on my chest. I sprayed it three times and it went away! I always use it before prayer and it really helps the prayers feel deeper. - Anonymous (Hawaii)

I’m in my 70s and every since childhood, I have had anxiety and a sense of nervousness. After a week of being on 30 Days of Light, it is now completely gone and I ever sense have been feeling peace. Thank you so much! - Barbara (Hawaii)

After a week of being on 30 Days of Light for the first time, I no longer have any anxiety or general nervousness. That had been with me all day for close to 70 years, since childhood. I now have this sense of calm. Thank you so much! - Barbara (Hawaii)

I watched several of your videos on YouTube, some 2 or 3 times, and it made the Light inside of me a little stronger. You just added a point or 2 to my frequency. I can feel it. Thank you. - Red (Hawaii)

I bought your Unicorns spray a few months ago when I wanted a change in my life. I ended up having not just one but two dream jobs offered to me and in a dream location I moved to. Thank you so much! I knew it was because the sprays and unicorns were helping me! - Leah (USA)

I love it when you spray me with your healing sprays at your markets! It always clears things instantly and then I can feel a bubble of protection over me. Thank you for that! -Tara (Hawaii)

What beautiful newsletters you've complied Theresa! Lots of your precious time and energy went into these! On behalf of myself and the Angelic Realm, Enormous Gratitude, Love & Blessings your way! - Annie (USA)

Thank you so much for the rose quartz necklace. I was able to say what I had to say - the words fowed. And I did more that was really hard. Thank you for giving me grace. I will pass it on. Hope to see you again. - Jane (USA) {I later let her know that the necklace was a one of a kind Holy Spirit piece I had made that was meant to bring comfort to those who need it.}

I just wanted to thank you for the 30 Days of Light that you’re sending me. I feel lighter and happier every day! A friend commented on how happy I seem. Just wanted to tell you how amazing I think you are! - Lisa (USA)

Thank you for the way you combine scripture, Christianity, and old wisdom. It is really interesting and helpful to know how you connect it all together in a way that serves God. -Anonymous

Thank you for saying things in a way that makes you look at the bigger picture. I was regathering my energy when I went to watch your recent videos and the energy on them calmed me down instantly. Just a peaceful feeling when you watch. I’m curious for more! -Brenda (Turtle Island)

I have to tell you that I finally wore the black spinel neclace to work yesterday, and it was amazing! I felt so much lighter the whole day, and I also sprayed the Violet Flame spray to help transmute. Thank you so much! -Ali (Hawaii)

I really love your updates and I’m very grateful for them. They feel like messages from the heavens. Thank you so much! - Marina (Germany)

I came to one of the festivals and bought some sprays for myself and my mother a couple days ago. The Mother Kali Ma spray has really helped me to navigate these past few days. My mother loves the healing sprays and we see a difference already in her health! When we sprayed hers in her space, my brother and I could instantly feel the energy shift. I appreciate you so very much! - Theresa (USA)

You were so spot on about the patterns in the collective when you were talking about to watch out for like negative influence on intuition and messing with people's creativity as a last ditch effort of the negative side. Thank you so much for watching out for me and seeing that! Thank you for talking about the protections you saw about that too. My friend said you were good at watching out for others and she was right! - Juanita (Hawaii)

I was using your sprays during a healing session and I had an angel come up and remove some trauma and negative energy from my fields. I had not ever experienced that before during a healing session, and I’ve had many. Thank you! - Faith (USA)

Thank you for sharing what you did about the world healing you do because I can see the Sword of Astrea along my spine and her ring of white fire around my energy field. I can see how the Golden Light is in my merkaba that you activated for everyone, like you said. Recently someone said something unkind and I watched the golden light take it away from my energy field. Her negative energy never reached my aura as a result. Thank you for activating the merkaba and sending Golden Light to everyone like you do. I can see it! - Manu (Hawaii)

I don’t really know how it works, but after you sprayed my wife’s leg, her Sciattica symptoms were gone by the end of the day after 25 years of pain. I was behind her when she was sprayed and it got on me. I noticed a little while later that my headache was gone, something that I have dealt with for years. Neither of our symptoms have returned since that day. I wanted to thank you. -John (USA)

I was visiting you at one of your markets a few months ago, and I remember how you mentioned August would be an important month in regards to having a baby. I wanted to let you know that my husband and I are expecting our second child like you said, and the baby is due this August! -Jessica (USA)

I bought a healing infused necklace from you for my grandmother and I asked you to please bless it for her to heal completely. A couple of weeks later, she was compltely cancer free and her treatments were cancelled. Thank you so much! - Kiana (Hawaii)

Thank you for including the Bible, Christianity, Jesus, and Spirituality together and making it comfortable and easy to understand. I was never religious but this makes it all come together and is inviting. I’ve never heard it put together like this before! Thank you. - Anonymous (USA)

I love how you speak in parables. Reminds me of Jesus. Only the people meant to get the messages do. - Laura (USA)

Thank you for sharing all of your prayers with me this week to invoke the Violet Flame and World Healing energies. This morning when I woke up, I saw the Violet Flame light all around me. Yesterday when I was praying, I saw a real feather that you identified as being from Archangel Sandalphon, drop from above me when I was inside the house! I’m loving it! -Marilyn (Hawaii) Her gifts and compassion will help guide you through. - Adrienne (USA)

A couple of weeks ago I bought a few space clearing and blessing sprays to use on my business space. I wanted to you to know that after 3 weeks of daily use, the liqour store tenant downstairs and a gambling ring next door chose to end their lease. I used of the clearing techniques you spoke about. It was nice to see the Light claim peace for our office building again. Thank for the reminder about how to use Divine Authority in alignment with Divine Will to attract higher vibrational neigbors. Your sprays and technique were a huge help! - Katie (Hawaii)

We bought a few sprays from you at one of the festivals and I wanted to let you know that we are enjoying them. So much great energy has come our way since finding you and using them. We appreciate you! - Dylan and Tori (Hawaii)

You are a miracle worker! Just after my cancer treatments were complete, the doctor said I would need surgery. I called you right after to ask for a miracle. You said to give you a day and to go back to the doctor requesting more tests. You told me what you saw and that you would do what you could. The next day I got more tests and the doctor confirmed the cancer is now gone, the bloodwork is clear, inflammation, masses are now gone, and that I no longer need surgery! Thank you! After a year of treatments, I finally feel free! - Stormy (Hawaii)

I came by your market yesterday and you recommended the Ganesha (obstacle remover) spray. We sprayed it along with the Love spray. I didn’t tell you at the time, but there was a sinus infection present when I saw you and two hours later my sinuses fully drained and the inflamation was gone! I no longer had a sinus infection. I knew it was the spray. I wanted to thank you. I love that it was your obstacle remover spray, because the helped literally the sinus obstacles that were present. - Allie (Hawaii)

You remember how you predicted I was going to meet that new partner? I met him! He’s here! RIght when you said I would. - Crystal (Arizona)

I got the couple sprays that you recommended and they’re shifting the energy in my life so beautifully. I had been dealing with anxiety and feeling welcomed where I live. Your sprays are helping with that. Also, I didn’t tell you this but when you mentioned the Violet Flame spray I was surprised and touched because Violet is what i plan to name my daughter! -Nicole (Hawaii)

I read your instagram post about the blue triangles yesterday and the Councils of Earth delegating Archangel Michael to give out. My faither, who is not at all spiritual, got the message somehow as you said much of the collective is merging with theri soul monad and the messages are coming through to the human level without needing to me intuitive. He was working from home today and I walked over to see him drawing with a blue pen, triangles on his scratch paper. It was amazing! Thought I would let you know. People really are waking up! - Rhys (Hawaii)

You have amazing products, are knowledgeable of some high vibrational information. You shared things that I had not heard before and I used to own a metaphysical shop. I appreciated the kindness, free samples, and spiritual update. Mahalo! - Kelsey (Hawaii)

I was sitting with you yesterday when I mentioned that May was a whirlwind and you explained some of the shifts with the Blue Ray triangles and world healing happening. I felt like I was coming back to myself and you said it is the same you? And I sat with that for a second and said no, it’s a different version of me. Thank you for helping to see that. PS I also love that you’ve lived on the west side! - Alli (Hawaii)

You are right about negatively influenced people being cleared out of communities who just do not want to change. I watched a few leave recently and the group is a lot lighter and I think that those who left know it is for the best as well. The positive feedback came as you said it would for having protected the group. You were right all along. Thank you for helping get me through this! I could cry. - Meari (Japan)

You were right, you really do fit in an hour’s worth in 15 minutes for a 1:1 session. Love that you have 700 generations behind you of healing others, making sprays, and spiritual emntorship. It really works and in a painless way when people listen to you. Love that you are a galactic historian with specific memories of what happened by being personally involved with universal creation. - Maha (Hawaii)

Thank you so much for 30 Days of Light! So much has shifted. I’ve quit working for someone else and am embracing my entrepreneurial need to work for myself so I can lead on projects. No more walking all over me while watching them screw up everything and go the wrong direction. I also feel a lot less acred to ask for what I want up front in relationships. I am so glad that I get to put that first now. - Erin (USA)

You probably get this a lot, but everything you said would happen in our 1:1 session in regards to my father in law came true. What you shared, provided a level of certainty that I really appreciated. Thanks again for sharing your gifts . I just want you to know that I am in pure awe of you! - Bob (Hawaii)

I noticed a big change with this month’s 30 Days of Light! I’ve been wanting to eat better but struggled with that before and I didn’t even focus on the healing helping this area of my life, but I noticed within days of signing up for the 30 Days that I had no food cravings at all (or since the healing), no will to deviate from my eating plan, and there was a new respect for food, and respect/awareness for my body that I experienced this time - aling with weight loss. You said the healing often naturally guides people onto a better way for them and I experienced that! Nothing was forced. It all flowed and I’m excited to focus the energy this month for growth in other areas. I love how this changes things with such ease. I also found myself more of the neutral observer instead of reacting to things. Thank you for explaining that this is how the ascnded masters view things because that is a huge compliment and makes much more sense. Thank you! - Beth (USA)

I hope people start to ask you to speak more about being White Buffalo Calf Woman and all the current events of the new Golden Age being brithed due to what you’ve contributed. So much wisdom and stories to be shared. - Mary (Hawaii)

My friend brought your Lilac Fire and Chirst Light 33 sprays over to me to see what I sensed psychically from them and they are amazing! I love the Cleanse and Shield spray. The first thing I heard when I picked it up was, “Don’t go into the jungle alone,” and knew I needed to get it. It helps a lot with my Violet Flame and session work with clients. -Laura (USA)

Ever since using your sprays with such pure ingredients, I am now aware of the ingredients of other sprays (even normal body sprays and face sprays) and how i prefer yours because they don’t have fillers or preservatives. It was unexpected but I love them so much! There really is a consciousness field with each spray. - Alex (Hawaii)

I loved your latest Energy Update video that talked about new relationships and that being the focus for the next few months with some being new to heart based relationships and others being in new unconditional love relationships for the first time. I wanted you to know hwo helpful that was and that it’s described my situation so well. - Jennifer (Hawaii)

Your sharings allow me to live more in trust. Thank you. - Lisa (Hawaii)

When I picked up your sprays at the BMSE Expo, I could sense what energy centers they correlated to and I enjoyed that. I love the two that I got and look forward to seeing hwo they help me progress in my healing work. -Mike (USA)

Yesterday Merlin, Archangel Raphael, the Seraphim, you, and one other came and poured alchemy into my third eye to help transmute the disorientation or overwhelm people felt from all the world changes happening so fast. I saw you all doing this for the third eye of all on the planet. Things are much more stable as a result.Also since the planetary blue triangle went out over the planet, the healing abilities are so fast now! It is so fun to see you work! - Seraphina (USA)

Due to the third eye upgrades you sent out yesterday, I was finally able to get a full night’s sleep. Thank you! - Lynn (Hawaii)

Thank you for sharing about my starseed lineage and how drinking things with caffiene in it was affecting my me energetically. You inspired me with what you shared and I quit drinking matcha. The peace spray is a great replacement for it. I needed more tranquility. Thank you. - Alli (Hawaii)

A few months ago I bought the Violet Flame, Christ Light, and Archangel Raphael sprays from you, per your recommendation because they are known to help with physical conditions. I wanted to let you know that after using those, that the lump on my throat is now gone and my bloodwood has all returned back to normal. Thank you so much. I feel a miracle has happened. I also am excited to wear some of your healing jewlery to see what kinds of results they bring to my life too. - Elena (Hawaii)

I wanted to give some appreciation about your post and God and the Universe is a creation of His but is not God himself. The timing is amazing because its been huge on my heart especially within the spiritual community that God has been phased out. People have been afraid to use His name. I have my own issues within the church, but not God. I appreciate you. Thank you for helping us heal the church wounds. -Callie (USA)

I have three of your healing infused necklaces now and the blue topaz one that is infused with the miracles of Mother Mary has really helped me with connecting with my own baby during pregnancy. I feel connected to my body and my baby, when before I did not and any fears around that fully resolved. I feel the mother child bond now and I am so excited! I have two months to go and wanted to thank you for helping me connect to my baby and my body like this. Thank you! - Maya (Hawaii)

I bought the Cleanse & Shield spray to help cleanse some paranormal activity in and around my home. I wanted to let you know that the first night that I used it, I slept through the night for the first time in nearly two years and pick dup on no paranormal activity. Thank you so much. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but this spray is great! - Jeremy (Hawaii)

I recently bought one of your moonstone necklaces last week in Waikiki and I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love how asthetically pleasing and dainty it is! Thank you for also for offering to make the black spinel custom piece for me. - Alyssa (USA)

I’m signed up for your 30 Days of Light and already I feel the miracles. Thank you! - Ruby (USA)

I recently procured one of Theresa’s Energy Infused Waterflasks and I have been using it daily for about a week now. I only put water in the thermos and after drinking it I feel refreshed and surprisingly less thirsty. I usually feel tired during the day and require a midafternoon nap or “siesta” but after using the energy infused thermos, I have not felt the need to take an afternoon siesta this past week. - Jane (Hawaii)

Thank you for the support that 30 Days of Light provides! I could feel it the moment it started and all of the light that supported me during that time in every aspect of my life. And it was interesting that when it ended, you could really feel a difference as well. So much so that I am excited to sign up again. Thanks for the miracles that this distance healing brings. - Sara (Hawaii)

Please ask her about using Violet Flame. It put everything into motion so fast! - Anna (Hawaii)

I don’t really understand how your amazing sprays work but I think it’s amazing that they do no matter what! There are wonderful attributes and grace in your sprays. Thank you for them. I never felt any other sprays before, but I really feel these. I’m becoming a big believer! You’re doing really beautiful, necessary work. I’ll be buying more. -Lehua (Hawaii)

After you sprayed the Violet Flame and Archangel Raphael sprays on my ankle, about an hour later I could walk more easily and the pain was almost gone. I am new to your spraysand what they do and wanted to thank you. I will keep you updated on the status of my healing in the coming days. We are here on vacation and I really am grateful I can walk more normally while here -Sylvia (USA)

I’m really enjoying your sprays, especially the Unicorns one at the moment. I am seeing them everywhere now! - Sakura (Hawaii)

The Blessed Hawaiian Black Salts you sold me for protection and clearing the house ended up working really well. I placed in the the corners you told me to and the situation was resolved within a day. Thank you so much. -Jane (Hawaii)

Just wanted to share with you that I love your sprays. They are amazingly helpful that after I sprayed the Abundance spray on a lottery ticket, we WON! -Jennifer (USA)

Theresa’s 30 Days of Light helped to manifest the unicorn house I didn’t know exist. There were 12 specific things I wanted, and we ended up with these plus being in the school district I grew up in and are down the road from my grandparents home. Another bonus is the neighbors are amazing! We sold stock at the height of the market, closed on the house, and got the keys the day before mercury retrograde. All because of her distance healing service, which creates miracles. I’m still in awe of how it all unfolded so flawlessly, especially since I’d been looking at houses for years. Theresa’s input was really important to me and when I sent her a picture of the house, she picked dup on the good vibes at open house and said it felt like a “Yes” and she’d hold space for us to get it. The owners already planned to accept an offer they received the night before the open house, but ended up going with our offer that was less. I don’t know how Theresa does it, but her gift is truly a miracle!!! - Bob (Hawaii)

I just received the Ohm spray and love it! Your guidance and help and the joy your sprays bring has been much needed, thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts with us all. -Little Grasshopper (Hawaii)

I really, really really wanted to thank you for this months (& every month’s) activation. I was extremely ill when i messaged you and the next morning when i woke up I felt so much better and was able to get out of bed. It was a rough time but felt light :) -Farrah (Hawaii)

I’d highly recommend her sprays! Early last year she saw some money coming my way and suggested the Abundance spray to speed that process up and remove any obstacles and it worked! You could tell because of how the stocks executed and my family was surprised to learn about a very unexpected inheritance as well. I wish everyone leveraged her sprays and services. There is so much value and impact we can all benefit from. Thank you so much, Theresa! -Bella (Hawaii)

Due to a recent viral infection, my taste was gone and after you sprayed me my taste returned the next morning. I am a professional wine taster and this has given me my life back. Thank you so much for helping me supported when I told you about my situation. -Ann (Hawaii)

My daughter received her package with The Love Spray and The Boogie Man Spray yesterday (I did not know she ordered the Love spray only the Boogie Man for my grandson) & upon getting home last night I noticed an instant change in her demeanor. I asked what was different and she said "Funny you should ask" and tells me about her sprays arriving yesterday. She said, "The best part, she hand writes notes and the spray is designed for me to love me and I'm ready for some self love". She had a beautiful glow to her. Thank you. Excited to receive my own set of sprays. With love and peace. -Jodie (USA)

 In my last reading you told me that the door lock at my apartment needed to be changed. I am moving out of that apartment to a new apartment and when I went to pick up something today, the maintenance guys were replacing the lock because it broke! -Sierra (USA)

After our 1:1 Manifestation Session and working together dreaming up a new place to live, a studio for my work, and new friends...I found a place beyond my dreams within the budget! I wasn't even asking for a 2 bedroom but I came at a time they were holding a special where I could get the 2 bedrooms same price as most of the one bedrooms I was looking at not even as near as nice. I move next month!!! I've already met some wonderful people as we discussed just visiting this weekend to view and sign for my new place and they are open to me holding yoga, meditations, and other classes on the apartment community park next to the river as donation based! - Caroline (USA)

I took the Angelic Scanning Technique – A Healing Method webinar and started to use the technique once a day before sleep. The next day, after using the technique for the first time, I felt a difference. I felt lighter and my mood was more even. Throughout the first week of using it, I noticed interactions at my work were very light-hearted and humorous. Half way into the week, I took the Aligning Your Hara Line webinar and immediately started using this technique. The next day (if I’d think it was possible) my energy and outer reflection shifted even more. My confidence was boosted and strangers engaged with me pleasantly (and this rarely occurs). I’m had felt very un-grounded lately and these techniques make me feel so much more stable, while I still feel I have a strong connection to Source. Also, a surprising benefit, I notice my skin looks better and that I’m "glowing" more. For a long time now, I’ve worked hard to stay positive while going through a lot of shifts and personal transformation. Theresa's techniques takes the hard work out of transformation. It lifted my energy almost unbelievingly fast so the shifts seemed effortless. I am so grateful for Theresa for sharing these tools! They are priceless. - Jean (USA)

 I am so grateful! Yesterday I had the flu and could barely sit up in bed. Today I am feeling much better, not sick, just really tired. Feel like I'm releasing a lot I hope. Thank you very much for sending me Light by distance! - Elizabeth (USA)

 Theresa has been such a gift in my life.  Her Sprays of Light have been life changing.  When I use each spray, chosen by which one I am guided to for each day, I feel an immediate peace and presence of guidance.  If I'm feeling turmoil, I will use my personal spray and I feel peace as the spray settles on my skin. I feel so grateful to have such an easy tool available to guide and shift my energy and to feel the presence of the angels who are guiding my life. - Katie (USA)

 I would like to share here with you my experience of the multiple Angelic Blessings that I purchased in December around the holidays. A few moments after the purchase, I could already feel the healing energy arrive, and I started to receive inner guidance and epiphanies precisely about what I wanted clarity on. I also received tangible signs of angelic presence by my side! My mother didn't crave any nicotine or alcohol like she usually does and I noticed she wore colors of the Angelic Rays of Light that were around us. This experience was amazing and I would recommend Theresa's Angelic Blessings to any person who any person reading my testimonial. -Gwen (Switzerland)

 The first day of receiving the Rays of Light,  I laid down and easily slipped into a meditative state. I could feel a gentle flowering in my heart chakra, which I didn't expect since I always expect heart chakra openings to hurt. This didn't hurt at all, it almost felt like I was floating on water and my chest was one of those lotus flowers and someone was gently opening the leaves. I got into the state between sleep and awake and felt a sweet presence around me. The flowering continued and gently expanded throughout my body. Soon after that I fell asleep. Each night after, I would meditate and then almost immediately fall asleep. I did dream, but I only remember one... where I was a mermaid who was saving humans. - Lauren (USA)

 Thank you, Theresa! So appreciate your support this month with the 30 Days of Light. I do feel calmer. Also, with regard to abundance, I find myself celebrating the little shifts and flows, no matter how small. I feel certain this will support me as I move forward on my journey. - Dawn (USA)

 All I can say is WOWWW.... amazing experience this 30 Days of Light service. My psychic abilities came rushing back in full force; everything was crystal clear. I knew what your and Doreen Virtue’s cards were going to be, something like 12 hours before they were published. My dreams have been mostly super clear messages, from questions about my twin to what has been causing this weird acne the past 6 months or so. I would like to do it on a regular basis. Thank you for all you do! - Laura (Israel)

 I purchased the Angel Blessing for sleep on a whim during a night of some intense insomnia. The medicine wasn't working and I thought why not? I had literally tried everything. Within minutes, I felt sleepy and laid down. The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and it was morning. I haven't had a better night's rest in some time. I'm so grateful to be sleeping through the night now. Best $11 I have ever spent. - Carrie (Argentina)

 One of my most favorite things about her is how she tells stories and the ones that she tells during what would otherwise seem like tangents are divinely guided to be told to provide answers to questions that I have not even asked yet but planned to. Her stories share how she learned from the experience I am going through and because of that I find her so relatable. Her 1:1 Sessions and Live Events are like hanging out with friends and I feel understood. Those group containers are Divinely orchestrated and simply divine. -Grace (USA)

 If you are ready for some shifting, Theresa is the one to go to. I love her enthusiasm. I was just writing in my journal questioning my block with my partner and then I read her recent post on social media about emotional honesty. Now I know! She is a beautiful gift, and I am beyond appreciative. - Christina (Canada)

 I can vouch for noticing a HUGE difference in feeling peace and being grounded just one day after using the Hara Line Alignment Technique. I recommend this class! - Jean (USA)

 The biggest things I've noticed with the 30 Days of Light would be the eating and drinking differently..I haven't had any cravings for soda or even sugar and for me that's a huge deal. I also can't seem to get enough water. I haven't had the urge to drink any alcohol either, which used to be a part of my weekend dinners with friends etc. Thanks for everything! -Natalie (USA)

 My experience with Theresa in intuitive and Light sessions have been life changing. I feet safe, understood, and guided through my challenges in a beautiful atmosphere of breath and depth of knowledge as well as incredible humility and sense of humour. Recently, I had a Light session with her which was incredibly touching and helped me move into a peaceful, balanced and loving space. I am grateful for her kindness, humility, and honesty. I am looking forward to learning more in our spiritual mentoring sessions with her. Wherever you are on your journey, she will help you navigate safely towards your goals. - Magdalena (Australia)

 Signing up for the 30 Days of Light was one of the best and most wonderful decision I've made. I had been struggling with being able to just feel and be in my own energy and as such was having trouble sleeping, feeling centered, and keeping my heart open. Throughout the 30 days, Theresa had helped me with all of that. My heart is open to love again, I sleep like a baby, and I wake up feeling so much peace and can go through the day enjoying my own energy. Thank you, Theresa! -Jackie (USA)

 Sure love those 3 Card Reading videos on YouTube! I so enjoy her readings for she is a sweetie and a no-nonsense real talent! - Sheila (USA)

 Compassionate, clear, authentic. Provides a supportive, safe space to tap into guidance in a loving, direct way. I am so grateful to have Theresa be a guide on my journey. - Jordan (USA)

 Ever since beginning to use the Angelic Scanning Technique, I have felt soooo calm. Even with situations and people who I would normally not be so calm in. I handle them in a much more relaxed, loving, calm manner. That is huge for me! I am able to bring myself back down from a 10 back down to a 1 or 2 in the matter of a few minutes, if that. I have felt more grounded and centered than I did with my normal morning grounding routine. I could go on and on, but it seriously is amazing and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn this healing method.  -Natalie (USA)

 Theresa's Light transmissions came at the perfect time. I immediately felt a sense of calm and lightness when she began the transmission. She removed my endometriosis pain.  And, even more impressively, I actually saw my home fill with a white angelic mist as she performed the session. It was easy to tell that my Angels were near. Thank you, Theresa, for a wonderful healing. - Maya (USA)

 I'd like to report that last night after the first night of Light transmissions,  I had a full nights sleep and woke up very energized. I cannot tell you the last time I slept without waking up a gazillion times. Today i felt very relaxed and calm all day is great!!!! - LaQuisha (China)

 The Light transmission sessions were very helpful. After the first day, my elderly friend was unable to even speak and now she is having conversations and saying she feels much better. Thank you so much! -David (USA)

 I wanted to say thank you because your recent Instagram post because it came at just the right time. I was struggling with a situation, so I did a reading on myself that said to have faith that everything would be solved yet could not control my doubt and thoughts. I was praying for faith and opened my Instagram and your post with Angel Faith  was the fist thing I saw! I took this as a sign. Thank you! - Aleksander (USA)

 Over the 30 Days of Light, I noticed that it became a lot easier to put herself first in terms of self care. It feels easier to stop and rest . I also am able to enjoy myself more because usually I go nonstop at everything. Something else is that I find it easier to pass on sweets in times of stress than normal. I recommend this package for those who wish to see things gently shift in their favor in life. Thank you so much for the Light energy, Theresa. -Dawn (USA) 

 I have not felt this calm and peaceful in I can't remember when and my mind it is ALWAYS racing. For once it was still...that doesn't happen very often. Loved every minute of this Monthly Angelic Healing Meditation. -Natalie (USA)

 The Light Transmission sessions with Theresa were absolutely amazing and divine! There was so much healing and insights going on that I had trouble receiving it all at times and had to go back to it again and again. I think she is a fantastic gift to humanity and an amazing healer. I recommend her to anyone for their personal growth. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. -S.S. (UK)

 Wonderful Angelic Prayer Session from Theresa. Beautiful sleep & beautiful energies. Thank you. -Karen (Argentina)

 Things have definitely been intense for me and not long after ordering the Light sessions, I felt a shift in energy ... like I had walked through a wall of electricity. And I'd like to add that I now feel like I am relaxing in a warm bath...just an hour earlier I was in tears over some childhood stuff. Thank you so much! - Angela (USA)

 I participated in one of Theresa's Distant Light Transmission sessions one night, and I was blown away. It was starting at 2 am my time, and I had stayed up and went to bed maybe 1 minute before she started. I had just but laid down, when it was almost like someone tapped my third eye...and a shortly thereafter I felt the energies starting to flow. Very shortly after this, I felt the same feeling in my crown, as if someone had tapped my head and then that energy started flowing. I fell asleep after this, and woke up feeling very clear and calm. I had some specific things I asked to have released and healed, and I have to say I feel very connected and relieved afterwards. Thank you Theresa, this was a wonderful experience! -Barbro (Sweden)

 Outstanding healing experience!!! I loved it. I feel good. -Isaac (UK)

 So happy I found your YouTube channel! Beyond Love and Appreciation for her, her time, and her talents! - Christina (Canada)

 I just want to say that the 30 Days of Light was a real blessing for me.  It made me feel very supported during what feels like chaotic times. - Elena (USA)

She is truthful, caring, grateful. Her sprays are amazing. -Jodie (USA)